
24 Gen The Perfect Weekend With A View (2)

After lunch, we’re heading to the Piazzale Michelangelo to see its incredible panoramic views of Florence. If you enjoy walking and want to follow the footsteps of the Florentines of the 19th century, start in Piazza Giuseppe Poggi (named after the architect Giuseppe Poggi who designed Piazzale Michelangelo and the steps up to it). Take your time as you walk up the “Poggi Ramps” and watch Florence unravel beneath you. Keep in mind it’s mostly uphill and will take about thirty minutes.

Otherwise, take the bus (the 12 is the best one, leaving from the stop next to the Arno and Ponte alla Carraia and dropping you at the piazza). If you take the bus, find a spot near the window because it will be a lovely twenty-five minute bus tour of the city. Watch the Vespas, Fiats, and motorbikes fight for first position while looking at the beautiful buildings and architecture of Florence.

When you arrive, take in that view! You’ll see the Duomo, Ponte Vecchio and the other bridges over the Arno, Palazzo Vecchio, and a sprawling view of terra-cotta rooftops and church bell towers. On the other side, beyond the roofs and buildings, are the green hills of Fiesole. Piazzale Michelangelo was built in 1869 when Florence was the capital city, the jewel of Italy, when the whole city was going through a “rebirth” and reconstruction of its wonder. The piazza was dedicated to the Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo and in the center, you can find a bronze replica of the statue of David. Spend the entire afternoon with this view, the sunsets can be spectacular, and then slowly find your way back down to your apartment.

Depending on what type of dinner you want, there are two options for tonight. The first option is to go to Gusta Pizza near Piazza Santa Spirito. Buy a bottle of wine to share and pizza ‘per porta via.’ If you get a pizza in the shape of a heart, or a free glass of wine while you wait, you should feel extra special. When it’s ready, take your food to the piazza and sit on the steps in front of the church. This is a popular pastime for locals, students, and visitors alike.

Alternatively, if you feel like more of a sit down dinner, go to ‘O Munaciello nearby where they serve handmade Neapolitan pizza. Make a reservation here. If you do sit on the steps of Santo Spirito church, watch as the piazza comes alive. Italians and foreigners come out for dinner and drinks. Often there’s a live musician or some music and dancing in the square at night.

On Sunday morning, make sure to pack your things so they are ready to go and you can enjoy another full day. Grab a capuccino and ‘cornetto con crema’ or ‘marmelatta’ at Bar Pitti across from the stunning Palazzo Pitti. If there’s some sun, sit outside and admire the power of this building which was owned and upheld by the Medici family and their successors since 1550. If it happens to be the second Sunday of the month, make sure to take a look at the bustling antique market in Piazza Santa Spirito on your way to or after your breakfast. Every weekend it hosts an outdoor market, but on the second Sunday it has antiques, vintage clothes, and handmade products, crafts, and food.

Head to Piazza Pitti and take your time exploring the different floors where you will find the Palatine Gallery, the Gallery of Modern Art, and Fashion and Costume Gallery. If you have time, walk through the Boboli Gardens as well.

For lunch, have a panino at Gusta Panino near Gusta Pizza in Piazza Santa Spirito. Don’t forget to have one last espresso at either Volume or Ditta Artigianale. Then grab your bags, bid farewell to the apartment, and start thinking about when you can come back and explore the rest of Firenze.